Showroom Linienstraße 111, 10115 Berlin Mitte

Apocalypse Now! until 15.10.2024

Pavel Gempler and Juliane Hundertmark

Galerie Himmelreich, Magdeburg - Solo Show 17.09. bis 18.10.2024

Showroom Juliane Hundertmark

Linienstraße 111, 10115 Berlin Mitte

Atelier Silbersteinstraße 45, 12051 Berlin

Works on paper

works on canvas - 2020 - 2024 selection

Showroom Installation 2023/24

Showroom Installation in Berlin, Linienstraße 111, 10115 Berlin Mitte

2016 - 2019 selection

2012 -2014 selection

Es entstehen Szenen aus dem kollektiven Bewusstsein des Menschen: Klassenzimmer; Kirchenpredigt; Mahlzeit; Gruppenbild.

Kuriose Persönlichkeiten, halb Mensch, halb Tier bevölkern den Bildraum.

Die dargestellten Figuren wirken wie Protagonisten auf einer Bühne, es findet eine Szene statt, ein Rollenspiel mit einer Gruppendynamik.

In diesem absurden Universum finden lächerliche Gruppenrituale statt und wir begegnen dem Grauen auch manchmal auf der Ebene der Kunst. Die Konstruktion und Dekonstruktion von Emotion ist die Aufgabe.

Hysterie - permanenter Seinzustand - der einzig adäquate Weg, in einer sich an der Schwelle zur Apokalypse befindlichen Welt.

In my work I incorporate a sharp social critique, which focuses on social and cultural traumas rather than on private issues.

This is the dark site of the consumer society we all live in.

To be exeedingly comical, burlesque, dark humor has the subversive edge. I like grotesque aesthetics.

My works are very close to filmstills, like modern theater and when I`m painting I slip into a role to imagine and create the strange creatures I paint in my work.

Sometimes the same idea pops up more less unchanged year after year. This repetition and recycling reflects the open attitude to the works - they are in a state of transformation.

Every painting deals with several of the themes I process throughout my work. There is the anthropomorphism of in my work, but also thoughts, feelings and ideas  from outside the world.

In my paintings I have Comic characters and stereotypes which enable me to assume a persona - a role while painting.

The titles of my pictures are elements of the painting, the words function as a visual element, not as a caption. Sometimes my works are zoomed on destructive art, where creating and destroying coincide.

Pool and Nature paintings: a dark paradise, our inexhaustible desire for seeking pleasure, jungle ( another world with changing our rules ).

  1. Road trip scenes, feeling the adventure of danger
  2. American diner paintings, scenes with diners, strange scenes with eating people and creatures
  3. Group of people paintings, Theater Scenes, the dark and funny side of life.
  4. Small works on paper, Sketchbook for my big works.

I´m inspired by the following artists. Francis Bacon, Paul Mc Carthy, Georg Grosz, Cindy Sherman but I`m not very ambitious in art history, so I often work very free without having some imaginations from other artists in my mind. I think that is the reason of the independence of my paintings. In my education, during my studies I learned a lot about Georg Grosz. I try to make satire paintings for the present time, we live in today.

"Juliane Hundertmark is considered to be Berlin`s most eccentric and original emerging painter. Hundertmark`s insight comes from her reserved manner and acute perception of other people`s unnatural behavior. Her distinctive style involves visual metaphors which reflect her observations. Hundertmark`s dualistic technique of blending collage, paint and othermedia gives her work a disconcerting quality. This duality is reflected in the artist`s entire body of work and can be seen as a mirror of the contradictory behavior of her subjects."

-Rufus Knight Webb, Knight Webb Gallery, London.

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